Publications       Rudy Negenborn
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Title:Preference-based multi-objective optimization for synchromodal transport
Authors:Y. Zhang, B. Atasoy, R.R. Negenborn

Journal:Transportation Research Record

Abstract:Decision-makers in synchromodal transport have different preferences towards different objectives. To solve the conflicts among objectives and obtain preferred solutions, we develop a preference-based multi-objective optimization model. The optimization problem is formulated as a pickup and delivery problem with transshipment and weight intervals are assigned to objectives to represent decision maker's vague preferences. An Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search is developed and used to obtain non-dominated solutions to construct the Pareto frontier. Moreover, synchronization is an important feature of synchromodal transport and it makes available resources fully utilized. Therefore, four synchronization cases are identified and studied to make vehicles cooperate with changes. Case studies in the Rhine-Alpine corridor are designed and the results show that the proposed approach provides non-dominated solutions which are in line with preferences. Moreover, the mode share under different preferences is analyzed, which signals that different policies in transportation will influence the mode share.

Reference:Preference-based multi-objective optimization for synchromodal transport. Y. Zhang, B. Atasoy, R.R. Negenborn. Transportation Research Record, 2021. Open access.
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