Publications       Rudy Negenborn
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Title:A time-space network model for collision-free routing of planar motions in a multi-robot station
Authors:J. Xin, C. Meng, F. Schulte, J. Peng, Y. Liu, R.R. Negenborn

Journal:IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

Abstract:This paper investigates a new collision-free routing problem of a multi-robot system in the manufacturing environment. In the routing problem, the objective is to minimize the cycle time of given planar operation tasks for each robot, while avoiding collisions. We propose to employ a time-space network (TSN) model that maps the robot location constraints into the route planning framework, leading to a mixed integer programming (MIP) problem. Since the related planning problem is a variant of the mTSP known to be NP-hard, a dedicated genetic algorithm is proposed for solving this MIP problem and a new encoding scheme is designed to fit the TSN formulation. Simulation experiments indicate that the proposed TSN model can obtain the collision-free route of the considered multi-robot system. Simulation results also show that the proposed genetic algorithm can provide fast and high-quality solutions, compared to two state-of-the-art commercial solvers and a practical approach.

Reference:A time-space network model for collision-free routing of planar motions in a multi-robot station. J. Xin, C. Meng, F. Schulte, J. Peng, Y. Liu, R.R. Negenborn. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 16, no. 10, pp. 6413-6422, October 2020.
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